Fatty acids

Lipid class


Stable isotope tracer


Fatty acids – FA (double bond posit., cis/trans isomer separation)


13C-acetate or labeled FA

Ecker, J., M. Scherer, G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2012. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 897:98-104.

Ecker J, Liebisch G, Englmaier M, Grandl M, Robenek H, Schmitz G. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 27;107(17):7817-22.

Short chain fatty acids - SCFA

LC-MS/MS, Derivatization


Liebisch G, Ecker J, Roth S, Schweizer S, Öttl V, Schött HF, Yoon H, Haller D, Holler E, Burkhardt R, Matysik S.Biomolecules. 2019 Mar 28;9(4):121. 



Lipid class



Diglycerides - DG


Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.

Triglycerides - TG


Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.



Lipid class


Stable isotope tracer


Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate - BMP

LC, HILIC column, ESI+, MRM


Scherer, M., G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2010. Anal Chem. 82:8794-8799

Cardiolipin – CL

Phosphatidic acid - PA

Phosphatidylcholine - PC

Sphingomyelin – SM

ESI+, PIS m/z 184


D9-choline, PIS m/z 193

D4-choline, PIS m/z 188

Liebisch, G., B. Lieser, J. Rathenberg, W. Drobnik, and G. Schmitz. 2004. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1686:108-117

Binder, M., G. Liebisch, T. Langmann, and G. Schmitz. 2006. J Biol Chem. 281:21869-21877.

Höring M, Ekroos K, Baker PRS, Connell L, Stadler SC, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. Anal Chem. 2020 Aug 18;92(16):10966-10970.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.

Phosphatidylethanolamine – PE

ESI+, NL m/z 141


D4-ethanolamine, NL 145

13C2-ethanolamine, NL 143

Binder, M., G. Liebisch, T. Langmann, and G. Schmitz. 2006. J Biol Chem. 281:21869-21877.

Höring M, Ekroos K, Baker PRS, Connell L, Stadler SC, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. Anal Chem. 2020 Aug 18;92(16):10966-10970.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.

PE based Plasmalogens – PE P


PIS m/z 364 (O-16:1)

PIS m/z 392 (O-18:1)

PIS m/z 390 (O-18:2)

D4-ethanolamine, PIS m/z + 4

Zemski Berry KA, Murphy RC. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2004 Oct;15(10):1499-508.

Phosphatidylinositol – PI

ESI+, NL 277


Matyash V, Liebisch G, Kurzchalia TV, Shevchenko A, Schwudke D. J Lipid Res. 2008 May; 49(5):1137-46.

Phosphatidylglycerol – PG

ESI+, NL 189

LC, HILIC column, ESI+, MRM


Matyash V, Liebisch G, Kurzchalia TV, Shevchenko A, Schwudke D. J Lipid Res. 2008 May; 49(5):1137-46 .

Scherer, M., G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2010. Anal Chem. 82:8794-8799

Phosphatidylserine – PS

ESI+, NL 185

13C3-serine, NL 188

Binder, M., G. Liebisch, T. Langmann, and G. Schmitz. 2006. J Biol Chem. 281:21869-21877.

Lysophosphatidylcholine – LPC

ESI+, PIS m/z 184

D9-choline, PIS m/z 193

Liebisch, G., W. Drobnik, B. Lieser, and G. Schmitz. 2002. Clin Chem. 48:2217-2224.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.

Sphingosine-1-phosphate - S1P

Lysophosphatidic acid - LPA

LC, HILIC column, ESI-, MRM


Scherer, M., G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2009. Clin Chem. 55:1218-1222.



Lipid class



Phosphatidylcholine - PC

Sphingomyelin – SM

ESI+, PIS m/z 184


Liebisch, G., B. Lieser, J. Rathenberg, W. Drobnik, and G. Schmitz. 2004. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1686:108-117.

Binder, M., G. Liebisch, T. Langmann, and G. Schmitz. 2006. J Biol Chem. 281:21869-21877.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.

Ceramides (d18:1) – Cer

ESI+, PIS m/z 264


Liebisch, G., W. Drobnik, M. Reil, B. Trumbach, R. Arnecke, B. Olgemoller, A. Roscher, and G. Schmitz. 1999. J Lipid Res. 40:1539-1546.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.


LC, HILIC column, ESI+, MRM

Scherer, M., K. Leuthauser-Jaschinski, J. Ecker, G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2010. J Lipid Res. 51:2001-2011.

Sphingosylphosphoryl­choline – SPC

Hexosyl-, Lactosylceramide

Sphingoid bases including methylated products – SPH

Sphingosine-1-phosphate - S1P

Lysophosphatidic acid - LPA

LC, HILIC column, ESI-, MRM

Scherer, M., G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2009. Clin Chem. 55:1218-1222.


Sterols and steroids 

Lipid class



Bile acids - BA

LC, RP column, ESI-, MRM

Scherer, M., C. Gnewuch, G. Schmitz, and G. Liebisch. 2009. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 877:3920-3925.

Krautbauer S, Büchler C, Liebisch G. Anal Chem. 2016 Nov 15;88(22):10957-10961.

Free cholesterol - FC

Cholesteryl ester – CE

ESI+, PIS m/z 369, Derivatization

Liebisch, G., M. Binder, R. Schifferer, T. Langmann, B. Schulz, G. Schmitz. 2006. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1761:121-128.

Free cholesterol - FC

Cholesteryl ester – CE


Höring M, Ejsing CS, Hermansson M, Liebisch G. Anal Chem. 2019 Mar 5;91(5):3459-3466.

Höring M, Ejsing CS, Krautbauer S, Ertl VM, Burkhardt R, Liebisch G. J Lipid Res. 2021 Feb 16;62:100050.


LC-MS/HighRes MS, ESI+, Derivatization

Pataj Z, Liebisch G, Schmitz G, Matysik S. J Chromatogr A. 2016 25;1439:82-8.

Oxysterols, plant sterols, and cholesterol precursors


Matysik S, Klünemann HH, Schmitz G. Clin Chem. 2012 Nov;58(11):1557-64.

Steroid hormones

LC-MS/HighRes MS, ESI+,

Matysik S, Liebisch G. J Chromatogr A. 2017 Dec 1;1526:112-118.